Boeing B-377 Stratocruiser
Kit No. 1603. 1/72nd scale
I couldn’t wait for this
model to come into the office
for review so I bought one, why? Well as a young lad in 1945 my Grandpa
gave me an aircraft recognition model of this plane and looking back
it was in 1:72 scale although to my young eyes it was much much bigger,
it was in solid wood and painted grey but it was my pride and joy and
the local kids were envious. During several moves and in the course of
being rehoused soon after the war, it seems to have disappeared but not
from my memories, and here was a chance to revive those memories and
of happy days watching the real thing manoeuvring around Heathrow in
I very rarely make silver finished
aircraft because
of the difficulty of capturing that metallic look and I was wondering
finishing product to use when I came across a new product called Alclad
II which has no connection with the original Alclad silver finish. With
both these Items on the bench, my enthusiasm was fired up and I was
with the results.
The Stratocruiser was developed by
Boeing at the end
of the war from the B-29 using the wing and tailplane and, true to
Academy has done the same. In this kit you get the identical frames
were in the B-29 kit that was released earlier, plus a new fuselage
and a superb clear frame with the cockpit section moulded into a large
part of the fuselage which I find very helpful as no cement gets near
“glass” part. The instruction sheet is basic but adequate and there is
a large sheet of decals covering two aircraft, one being the prototype
377 and the other being a Pan American “Clipper Nightingale”, the
on both machines is bare metal overall, how nice it would have been to
see the white topped livery of B.O.A.C!
Construction notes
Step 1
the seat K4 will
need a bit of trimming before it will fit between the arm rests K18-19
Step 2
you do not
need to mount the nose undercarriage leg at this stage (it’s pretty
as it can, with care, be mounted when all the joints have been cleaned
up much later
Step 3
a reminder to make sure you cement the fuselage windows in up the right
way and in the correct location
Step 4
the overhead
window N4 was a bad fit you may want to enlarge the location before
the part, I could not get it to seat properly and had to sand it back
match the contours of the fuselage and then polish it with “Final
canopy polish
Step 6
you will
need some nose weights now but I can’t be sure how much, mine was trial
and error but there is plenty of room beneath the cockpit floor. When
add the front glazing N7 make sure that it matches the fuselage contour
top and sides, mine didn’t and I had to sand a couple of steps out.
Step 7
when cementing
the wing halves together do not try to cement the wheel bay walls
(top to bottom) for it tends to “flatten” the underside of the wing so
that it will not conform to the shape of the engine nacelles giving
I found part
K3 was a slack fit so I cemented a strip of 15thou card to
the rear end before placing in position which filled the gap nicely.
Step 9
the rear parts
of the nacelles need careful assembly so that they match the contour of
the engine cowling particularly around the intake area. The engines L7
have very little surface area to cement into the cowling and could
be pushed in by accident so I added some tiny blocks of scrap
immediately behind them to lock them securely.
Step 14/15
deals with Ariel posts all of which have very shallow locations and
not stand up to too much handling so I elected to replace all of them
fine flower arranging wire. The rigging of aerials was the very last
to be carried out.
The cleaning up of joins went on
throughout construction
and when complete I airbrushed a coat of grey paint along each
just to check for faults and improve. Masking is the next step, I
use scotch tape for the cockpit windows only, laying a tiny piece on
window and burnishing with a cocktail stick until the frames are clear
then each is trimmed around with a new scalpel blade. For the passenger
windows I place a blob of PVA glue in the centre and work it out to the
edges again with a cocktail stick (what would we do without them)
be generous with the glue, this is the easiest way I know of getting a
circular mask, when all is finished all you need to do is to pop it off
with a knife blade.

Having satisfied myself that the
surfaces were good
I coated the whole model with Halfords grey primer from a spray can
such a messy job as I thought) a second coat was applied soon after,
particular attention to any flow marks in the plastic (swirls) as the
will attack these first. Should this happen simply rub down the area
with wet and dry and prime it afresh.
This next step is very important,
although the primer
is silky smooth it needs a rub over with a worn out piece of 1200 grade
wet or dry paper to polish it up super smooth (doesn’t take long)
spraying two coats of Alclad II, I used shade “A” aluminium, it is
that you use 10-12lbs psi. and allow 10 minutes between but I
30lbs psi. and never waited at all between coats because the place
I started was dry when I finished the model and I went straight
and started again.
As soon as I had parked the airbrush I
used Tamiya
masking tape to select a few panels for further treatment using the
shades “B” and “C” I also added some Humbrol Matt Aluminium enamel
on a couple of panels to see if there was any reaction between the two
finishes with no reaction at all. When the masking tape was removed, I
discovered that none of the silver had come off at all, a most pleasant
I liked the finish I had achieved but
if you require
a shinier surface then Alclad II can be polished using Micromesh cloths
to whatever degree you require. I have tried polishing a test piece and
was amazed that I didn’t wear through the finish as I expected.

The decals for the window areas are
quite long and
will stretch out of proportion if slid off length wise so position the
paper above the windows and slide them off downwards using a paint
I found some discrepancies around the cockpit area but I cured this
a couple of scalpel cuts, the remainder went on with no trouble at all.
I am not sure if the decal adhesive
was weak or if
the surface was too shiny but my decal cheat lines lifted off each time
I accidentally held them, this was after a couple of days so I
to coat the decaled area with Johnson’s Klear (Future) using a wide
brush, this had no adverse effect on the silver finish but it held the
decals firmly.

The last thing to be added was the
undercarriage and
aerials and my model was completed. As much as I like the model I doubt
if I would have built it if I had not found the Alclad II, what a boon
this is for modellers, and I see the latest “colour” is Chrome this
certainly be good for truck modellers with chromed fuel tanks.
A nice subject and a good kit looking
forward to the
military versions.
Ted Taylor,
April 2000
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