RAFDec Decals
between the wars aircraft
Westland Whirlwind
decal sheets
sheet No. RF-7210 and 72-11.
1:72nd scale
On the whole they look excellent
Move cursor over picture to see other side
This sheet contains markings for 16 different whirlwind helicopters in service with the RAF /Coastal Command, there are also markings for the Queens flight HCC8. You get a choice of locations here, some in Singapore, Malaya, Cyprus and the UK, colours schemes range from Dk earth/ green to grey/green, Lt grey/white to red /white, bright yellow to the aluminium/royal blue of the Queens flight. All the models are based on the Italeri UH-19A Chickasaw with Aeroclub nose conversion set, the instructions run to six pages and include all the paints with BS, FS. numbers and the equivalent ref # from the main manufacturers, you even get a section on the rotor blade colours.
The decals are again printed in separate colours so you can do your own registration even the Union flag is in two parts. A must for the Helo boys, Excellent product.